Sunday 7 June 2015

About the Author

Jagdeesh V. Dhongde
Practicing Chartered Accountant, Past-Chairman of the Pune Branch of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), Hindi Film Industry fan, Loving father, Altruist, Legend in his own terms.

My father is a practicing CA and an avid Bollywood fan (nothing new in India I guess!). But I think one special thing about his love for Hindi movies is that it transcends era - he enjoys movies as far back as the early 50s to even some choicest movies from 2015. And he adores the stars of the cine-world. Not just the brightest, but the rarest, the unknown, the most common whom most overlook. As a tribute to each one of them, he  has started taking out time from his hectic schedule and putting up posts on their birthdays, sharing their stories, his personal experience while watching the movies. It is well appreciated among his circles and I thought I could put it all together on one page.

Disclaimer: Information and image sources are the internet - imdb and Wikipedia and no copyright violation is intended.


  1. This is a wonderful gesture on Avnish's part!


  2. Dr Ravi was very excited to show me the blog. We tried to post comments that day, but could not. Now looks it possible.
    I am sure this blog will attract many recommendations and appreciating remarks!
    Feel like joining Bollywood, so that one day Jagdeesh will write on me too! :)


  3. Jagdeesh,

    Upload all the previous articles to the blog now.
